Just Google It

06/26/2003 - 9:51 AM

Where would we be without Google? Slipping into the dark ages, probably. In the last 24 hours, I got Google hits for "Toughskins jeans husky" and "taking advil and ecstacy" (imagine my embarassment when GOOGLE asked if I meant "ecstasy" instead!). Unlike other folks on here, I do go back and reread entries, with the hope of finding something I missed on the first go-round. The entry about the weekend trip with Matt really made me smile.

We were talking to a friend of his the other day, and Matt told the friend that he didn't think I was interested the first time we met. It was the second time that he's said that, and so I went back to read up on "the first date", and it turns out that I didn't even know how interested I was. As far as I'm concerned, this diary just earned the effort, simply for that one fact. As for last night's entry, I really haven't thought much more about it. Today's going to be a blur of spreadsheets and buyer's guides, so I'll keep this short. I'm supposed to go to an end-of-season get-together for the p/t job (a little late, wouldn't you say?), but I doubt I'll go now. I've got laundry and other stuff to do around the house, as well as a couple of people that I need to catch up with. Priorities...although a night at ESPNZone would be a blast, too.

The rest of the weekend will be pretty busy, too. Going to see Sandra Bernhard on Friday night, and then I'm supposed to see Chris Cagle on Saturday with Matt. However, with both of us in the poorhouse at the moment, I may pass on that. *sigh* Such are the responsible decisions we make as adults.

What I'm Listening To: Lonestar - From My Front Porch Looking In

First Word That Comes To Mind: guides

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
