Getting Some

01/26/2004 - 5:21 PM

So where did I leave off? Oh, yeah...Matt. The thought of it still puts a big grin on my face.

I got what I wanted. Woo hoooooo!

It feels like I'm gloating a bit, but it's really just relief. The ice needed to be broken somehow, and I found a way to do it, courtesy of my friend Kris. In a nutshell, I literally took matters into my own hands. All he had to do was lay back and enjoy. Or so I hope. Either way, the ice was broken, and hopefully the subject will be easier to embrace going forward. And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, check here and here.

Work was good today...I'm feeling a bit more positive about it at the moment, although I still have lingering doubts about a long-term stay at the f/t job. It's tough to talk about this in detail without giving too much away about my job, but to sum it up, the concept behind the job intrigues me, but the context it's utilized in is rather boring and mundane. If an opportunity to move up and get deeper into the company, that might work, but my fear is that it won't come quickly enough. I can't even think about applying for a promotion until I hit the six-month mark. That's fair, but it's still frustrating. to spend a quiet evening with Matt, and then sleep in tomorrrow morning.

What I'm Listening To: ABC World News Tonight

First Word That Comes To Mind: Relax

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
