What Are Your Dreams?

03/10/2003 - 7:54 AM

I promised myself that, after the "being pregnant" dream of last week, I was going to remember and write down all of the dreams that I have. So you, oh fortunate reader, get to share in my psychotic dreams. Here goes...

1. I was a kid in the first one, but not myself as a kid. Some other kid. I woke up at 2am, I can tell you that much. But other than that, I can't remember a thing. I need to keep a notebook by the bed so I can write these down when I wake up. So no analysis there...

2. I'm out at a bar and grill (a neighborhood type, not a Ruby Friday's type) with a couple of other guys, and we're just hanging out and drinking and eating. The focus of the dream is the several times that I have to use the restrooms. So vivid it's just gross...the puddle of some liquid you're standing in to get to the toilet, the seat and bowl just gross. Sorry if you're reading this early in the morning, but I was taken aback by just HOW vivid that scene actually was. Men are just SLOBS in public bathrooms. I sure hope their bathrooms at home aren't that gross.

So there you go...enchanting storylines, aren't they? I'm hoping that as I go through this process, I will continue to remember more and more dreams, and will eventually be able to use this to tap into my subconscious issues and deal with them.

It COULD happen...

Update: Two things...in looking at my stats, someone found my page by doing a search on Yahoo for "flags of the rocky mountains" that pulled up my entry about the Atlanta trip, which mentions Six Flags. I LOVE the internet! So many surprises...

The second, and very exciting part, is that you are reading entry #100! Woo HOOOOO! I haven't been this excited about an achievement since I won a $50 Gap gift card in an office pool. Who knew? Fortunately, this has become a natural part of my routine, and we'll keep the therapy going. For those of you who have hung in there and stayed with me, I say "thanks...you're sick bastards, but I love ya!" :-)

What I'm Listening To: Not a thing...in the office by myself

First Word That Comes To Mind: Sleep

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
