He's "In That Way"

03/08/2003 - 6:38 AM

Okay...I don't know if it was power of suggestion, or maybe some deep-seeded longing, or just the couple of beers I had last night when I went out dancing, but I had probably THE most bizarre dream I've ever had.

I dreamed I was pregnant.

You talk about someone freaking out. I think I was only a couple of months along, since I wasn't in any severe discomfort, and yet I was trying to push it out any way I could. Probably not a wise thing to do, given the male equipment that I still had at that moment. I'm also thinking that I originally chose to be pregnant, too, but the details are sketchy. Just the fact that I remember a dream in the first place is an achievement, but that's another story. (See Mr. Sandman, Bring Me a Dream...)

The truly bizarre part of this is that I was recently reading another diary, and in the notes, someone mentioned that a dream about being pregnant means that someone you know is going to die. So now I'm freaked out and thinking that I need to call my grandfather in the nursing home, make sure my mom's okay, and all that freaky stuff.

Chatting with mom on AOL as we speak, and things seem fine. She's been working on this MASSIVE genealogy project for both her family and my stepdad's, and now she's on the net constantly, trying to track down distant relatives. Seems to be doing a pretty impressive job, too. I'm looking forward to getting home sometime soon and seeing the fruits of her labor (there's that word again!).

Alright...I'm off to the gym, then running a few errands, and finally heading out to Fat City with TM and his nieces to play minature golf and video games. Woo hoooo!

What I'm Listening To: The Morning News

First Word That Comes To Mind: Tired

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
