Lessons from Vacation

03/24/2004 - 3:28 AM

Two entries in less than eight hours...John must not be able to sleep...

In no particular order, here's what I've come up with from my four days of vacation:

- John needs a new job: I dream about this job, and they're not the type of dreams that you feel like you remain immersed in for hours, not wanting to wake up. It doesn't feel healthy, although it's nothing compared to the last days of Hell that I experienced at the last job.

- John is extremely happy in his relationship with Matt, but needs to make sure that he doesn't lose himself in the relationship: I've done it before, and I know the tendency is there. It's been much easier this time not to do that, but occasionally I catch myself making decisions I wouldn't normally make. That, combined with the fact that Matt isn't as good at compromise as I might have originally thought (although he can do that at times), and that Matt is trying to find his way with school and career, makes for a potentially bothersome issue.

- John needs to get back to the gym BADLY: I walked up Nob Hill in San Francisco (unnecessarily, mind you) with a full duffel bag and a messenger bag on my shoulders, and I was DRENCHED. I think it took about fifteen minutes just to cool my core temperature down enough that I wasn't able to turn bedrock into molten lava. Not pretty at all.

- John has neglected some of his closest friends, and needs to make sure those ties remain strong: I think that's pretty self-explanatory, although I find when I'm with Matt, we spend a lot of time with his friends, and my friends aren't brought up that much. He may not be aware that this is a concern, though, so I can't blame him.

_ John still has reservations about his sex life with Matt: the fact that at the end of our "official" anniversary, the only sex that we had was me giving him a surprisingly efficient blowjob, with nothing in return, bothers me. It's no wonder I came back to the bottle. (BTW, I got a concerned note from a friend about the effects of poppers, and I do understand that. Trust me, my Catholic guilt has crept up behind me and slapped me on the back of the head several times.)

- John's okay with money at the moment, but needs to be careful, especially if he's contemplating another career change: 'nuff said.

- John loves to travel: nothing Earth shattering, but it came to mind, and I thought I would add it.

- John hates waking up in the middle of the night when he has to work both jobs tomorrow: yeah, that about wraps it up.

What I'm Listening To: The Carpenters - Won't Last a Day Without You (I haven't heard this song in years, and then heard it on the plane on M

First Word That Comes To Mind: List

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
