I Don't Normally Get This Far

04/23/2003 - 10:19 PM

As always, Huntington suddenly emerges as the objective voice of reason, offering the right-in-my-face observation on yesterday's description of my last up close and personal encounter with MC in my Guestbook (not bad...three links in one sentence!) "The deed" isn't about the sex, but rather the connection between the two people caught up in the emotion of the moment. Testify, brother Huntington! Amen! I think I had something to that effect buried in the meaning, but it always helps to state the fact out loud, instead of dancing around it.

Which leads me to last night's dream...in which one MC tells me he loves me, and I freak. Actually, from the few details I remember, the admission was just in passing; but almost a day later, and it's the only detail I do remember. Today marks one month since we met for our Mexican brunch, and the word "smitten" is kind of played out. I'm in like...SERIOUS like. This admission makes me feel like some schoolgirl with a crush, and in a way, I feel as awkward as that pre-woman, coming to terms with so many emotions racing through her brain/body/soul. I'm not good at pacing myself...never have been.

Went to lunch with MC and JG (side note...the role of JG, which was held by a "friend with priviledges", will now be played by MC's lesbian co-worker, who I have grown quite fond of, in a gay man-lesbian kind of way). In honor of the one-month, I decided to get a little something for MC, but I wasn't sure what. I helped him move a few things into his new apartment last night, and came across a few Curious George books he had. So I decided to get him a new one..."Curious George's Dream", to be exact. Slipped him the gift as we parted, and left him to open it after I was gone. He said he liked the book, but the card left him "gooey" (One month down, and hopefully many more to come. A boy can dream...).

He then confessed that, although he knew we were in the ballpark, he didn't realize it had been a month until I gave him the card. Leave it to me to internalize some guilt for making him feel bad out of this gesture. I'd be lying to say that there wasn't a sense of accomplishment in doing something spontaneously romantic. Too often I get caught up in the here and now, and think that words can fill the void. I don't necessarily think of myself as a romantic guy, but I do try.

Work's been dragging...I can't wait to get into the new postion next week. In the meantime, I've got the trip to Cleveland set up for this weekend, then Dallas in May, Chicago in June, and Las Vegas in July. I've never been to three of the four cities, so already I'm accomplishing something with the new job. With the p/t job done until September, I've got the summer to enjoy some travel and some relaxation. Oh, and I suppose I should do some remodeling in there, too.

What I'm Listening To: Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale

First Word That Comes To Mind: Month

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
