So What If It's Been 3 Days? I've Been BUSY!

02/18/2003 - 12:11 PM

Sorry for the long lag in not writing. I don't have any other excuse other than to say that I didn't feel like writing. I'm sitting at work surrounded by piles of paperwork, and I have absolutely no ambition to do anything about it. As a matter of fact, it comforts me to have those piles around me. Now I just need to move them around regularly so people will think I'm REALLY working hard.

Weekend was relatively uneventful...worked a couple of shifts at the p/t job, which should end up being some good money come next Wednesday. I'm living paycheck to paycheck when it comes to bills right now, and I'm not happy about that at all. It's not like I'm broke, especially since I'm working my ass off at the p/t job, and I'm far from underpaid at my f/t job, but I stress about money too much. Besides the added payments for recent purchases (car, furniture, fridge), I've also got to pay for the new tags on my car. That's another $400-500 bucks. Ugh

Speaking of the fridge, it finally showed up yesterday, and it is so damn SHARP! Actually, it's a Frigidaire, but who's keeping track? It's got the stainless steel front, and the rest of it is black. SO DAMN SEXY! I'm thinking about inviting someone over just to shove them up against it and make out on the damn thing. Hey...for almost $900, I'll do whatever I FEEL like doing on that appliance! Heh heh...I am SUCH a homeowner now...

The flowers from MB are still hanging in there. They opened fully over the weekend, and just look amazing right now. Plus they smell GREAT. I cleared the air with him yesterday about being pissed that he didn't listen to me, and we're good now.

Friday night with TW didn't go as well as I had planned, but it was cool. We went to dinner at the Panda Buffet around the corner from my house, since Olive Garden was just SWAMPED with folks eating out for V'day. Headed to the lacrosse game after that, and really had a good time. However, I was feeling him out about the Chris Cagle show (see Who Sent These Flowers), and gathered he wasn't really into going, although he'd do it to humor me. So guess who didn't get to meet their husband on Friday night? ME! It's all good, though...we went back to my house and watched Longtime Companion on DVD, which I've been meaning to watch for a couple of weeks ago.

(Side's been a LONG time since I've seen the movie, and it didn't have the impact that it had in 1991. I traded it in at a used CD shop yesterday and got some cash in return. It's ALL about recycling...)

So TW crashed at my place, and we revisited territory from when we dated a year and a half ago. Sadly, the spark just wasn't there, and it wasn't that enjoyable. You'd think I'd know better than to go there in the first place, but it's been a while since I've had some good stuff, and my vision was cloudy.

Didn't do much on Saturday after TW left (we ate at IHOP for breakfast), and then I worked Sat night. I was supposed to go to G&D's party after work, but I was so wiped out that I went home and crashed. Sunday was more work, and then I had dinner with H&G. H and I have been talking about their interest in me joining them in the bedroom, but it was not meant to be. I DID get to sit in the hottub after dinner, though. I definitely liked that, but nothing else happened.

Left their place and went home to change, so I could go out dancing with AM. We had a BLAST...hit two clubs, and just danced til I got sweaty (doesn't take much, let me tell ya). We stayed out until about 12:30, and then swung by Taco Hell to bring some food back to his place. And then AM announces that I will be staying the night at his place. What? I politely declined, and then went home. To sleep. Alone. The way God intended it to be. ;-)

What I'm Listening To: Kenny Latimore and Chante Moore - Make It Last Forever

First Word That Comes To Mind: Why?

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
