To Sleep, Perchance to Sleep...

02/05/2003 - 9:45 AM


Worked my first mgmt shift at the p/t job last night, and got home about 11:30. Unfortunately, I forgot that I told my workout partner that I'd meet him at the gym at 4:15am. ARRRRRGH! As a result, I am in some SERIOUS agony right now. I am SUCH an 8-hour sleep kinda guy, and anything under 7 will leave an impact on me something FIERCE. I may go and get a six-pack of Code Red Mt Dew to keep me perked up, as I do have to run out and take care of a couple of errands this morning.

The hunt for a fridge continues today. I think my connection (aka FWB) is working at a remote site, so I don't think he'll be able to do any investigating today. As I type this, the contents of my fridge are sitting in a cooler on my patio. Fortunately, the temp will only get to 30 degrees today, and no sunlight hits where I have the cooler, so we should be in good shape for a day or so.

I couldn't fit two items in there, so they are sitting on top of the cooler. Kind of surreal...a huge bottle of French's mustard (in the dandelion yellow bottle) sitting on a cooler outside with snow on it. Gotta love that...

Having dinner with AM looks like we're both in the "dating sabbatical" mode at this moment. It's just a gut instinct, but I have a feeling at some point in the near future, AM is going to revisit us dating. As much as I enjoy being around him, I'm pretty sure I can't revisit that scenario. We dated last May, and after a couple of really cool weeks where I was feeling like it could truly be something significant and special, he just stopped calling, and cancelled any plans we had made. Somehow or another, we've rekindled the friendship end of it, and things have been good. (See Abbreviated Entry)

That's enough for now...I think I'm going to take a nap here at my desk.

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
