Abbreviated Entry

02/03/2003 - 9:02 AM

I just reread my death entry from Saturday night...I really WAS tired when I wrote that. A bit of rambling there...sorry. And it's safe to say that I won't be using the phrase "safe to say" again any time soon. Ugh...I hate repetitive, unproofed grammar.

A long way back, I did a little glossary of friends from Atlanta that, for some reason, I cannot pull up in my archive now. Why I did Atlanta and not Denver I have no idea, but I think it's time to do a Denver glossary. Hopefully this will help clear up what Huntington referred to as "alphabet soup". Acurate, on the money, and tactful, as Huntington always is. I'll try to keep this as clear and concise as possible:

TW - good friend who I dated when I first moved to Denver. His family has basically adopted me, and I took it hard last month when his mom passed away from cancer. Although harmless, there is some sexual tension there still...let's just say it was good.

AM - probably my best friend in Denver, who I also dated for about a month last year. Great guy, but has some self-confidence issues. We've become much closer over the past few months

DR - guy I dated middle of last year. I earned a rep as a cradle-robber with him, since he was 24. He hasn't called in a few months. Oh well...

CW - mutual friend of DR and I, although I knew him first. CW works at the same place that I have my p/t job.

RG - guy I've dated a couple of times sporadically. Good guy, but I don't see much developing out of it

DP - goober first class! He's a good friend who moved down from the mountains a few months ago, but I don't hear much from him these days. Very busy with his new job, plus he's teraing up the dating scene at the moment.

CW - buddy from NC who is going through a break-up with his partner of 8 years, as well as transitioning into a new job in DC. He's been in Denver a few times over the past year, and will be here more in the coming months.

KM - started out as my masseuse, and became a friend in the process. Very intuitive...doesn't really tell me things I don't know as much as reenforces that I know what's going on if I would just listen.

SB - buddy who lives in Greeley, which is a little over an hour northeast of Denver. We met through mutual friends, flirted with dating, but nothing ever came of it. Has a 12-year-old daughter who is rapidly entering the rebellious stage of her life.

B&S - friends who just bought a house. B was the only person I knew when I moved here, and got me the p/t job.

M&E - met these two through B. Great guys...really enjoy hanging out with them.

H&G - new friends made through M&E. We've hung out a few times, and H & I chat online at work.

JG - a "friend with benefits". We get together on occasion to keep each other company, but neither of us are looking for it to go any further.

JD - guy I recently dated. Despite several aspects of his personality that I found very interesting and compatible, it's not meant to be. It happens...

MG - friend that I met shortly after I moved to Denver, but we both moved here from Atlanta. Great guy...going through a few issues in his life at the moment, but holding up well.

That should hold y'all for the moment. I will try to be better with this stuff in the future.

What I'm Listening To:

First Word That Comes To Mind:

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
