A Short Bedtime Story

01/03/2003 - 3:28 PM

Well, since you've all been good boys and girls, eaten all your veggies, and cleaned up after your alcoholic mom who fell asleep in the queso, here's the lowdown on my last successful bout with fitness...

As I've talked about before(scroll down to the bottom of the linked page), Steve and I officially moved in together on December 31, 1999, just shy of 9 months after we met. Although the relationship was in trouble, neither of us would admit it. I was basically living there already, and it was goofy to keep another place. I got rid of just about all of my furniture I had, and he didn't charge me rent for two months because I was being penalized for having broken my lease.

Shortly after the New Year, I decided that I really needed to get back into shape. Steve is a great cook of Southern cuisine, and my waistline was showing it. That was the first time that I ever had my weight hit 200#. I checked out a few gyms, and found a Gold's Gym that I really liked, and a trainer that was very familiar with Body-For-Life. He was setting me up with menus, and training me three times a week (for $100/week...not bad, eh?). After a month or so, the weight was dropping off, and I was starting to see some change in the way that clothes fit. EVERYONE was complimenting me on how it was going, except for Steve. He acted like it was an imposition that I was doing this, even though I was going to the gym early in the morning before he normally woke up. After I had some problems with the trainer not getting me the menus on time, I cancelled the set-up, and lost the momentum that I had picked up. It took about six months (the breakup didn't help things), but I gained most of the weight back. Go figure...

So this time, I'm doing it for health reasons. Scared the crap out of myself when I saw 208 on the scale. Heart disease runs in my family, so that's another issue. But I won't lie...the fact that I'm single DOES play into this. I really think I'm on my way to being in the best shape of my life, though. My workout partner TD is amazing (he might as well be charging me a trainer's rate), and I've been relatively successful sticking to my diet as well, so it's a pretty good combo. The key will be sticking to it after the initial loss is over with. Any suggestions?

Enough for now...I get to drive my new car again in a bit. ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM!

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