Your Words are Yours

03/24/2004 - 8:51 PM

"'s me. Thought I'd give you a call before I go to bed. I'm probably going to read a little bit for the next 15 minutes or so, but if you get this before 9, give me a call. Otherwise, I'll talk to you in the morning. Have a good night...I love you. And...well...let's just say I REALLY love you. *Nervous giggle* I know I'm rambling...I'll talk to you tomorrow. *MUAH* Good night."

This boy just reduces me to a pile of emotions sometimes.

So I'm not reading. Instead, I'm doing the one thing that seems to keep me from sleeping, rather than lulling me off to La La Land. I feel like writing again, which I haven't done a lot of lately, which I suppose is a good thing. For those of you who have stuck with me and even encouraged me, I say thanks. However, I can't help but feel that writing doesn't mean a thing if the word isn't put into action, as we all know it needs to be at some point. Otherwise, that word just fades into the mist, never to be heard in quite that context ever again. And that is a shame.

I'm always torn on free speech. On one hand, I don't believe there is ever a completely wrong answer to any issue, as not too many things on this planet exist strictly in black and white. At the same time, the other hand slaps me in the face and says, "there are opinions, and then there is hatred spewed out upon the world with a tidy 'opinion' sash draped around its torso".

Is it possible to even be a gay Republican these days? Can you be gay and vote for President Bush without the fear of burning in a purgatory reserved for Jews that helped the Nazis and blacks that assisted in the enforcement of apartheid? I really don't know.

And yet, I would never vote to take away your right to be whatever affiliation you felt drawn to. My first words and my last ones would be clear that your voice is just as important as mine, that mine is no more enlightened than yours. Because when you get right down to it, an opinion is just that...whether you arrive at it through intense research, or by simply listening to the voice that wakes you up in the middle of the night, telling you what you truly believe.

I can't say one is more valid than the other, if for no other reason than I fall into that trap on a regular basis. I have no concrete proof that there is a higher power that we all have a common thread to, but I do believe it. I just know it is.

I feel like buying the world a Coke right now...

What I'm Listening To: Usher - Confessions

First Word That Comes To Mind: Opinion

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
