There's Work To Be Done

03/04/2004 - 6:10 PM

Finally...a day off from both jobs. It was pretty restful, actually. Slept in at Matt's, grabbed breakfast at Hotcakes, picked up my dry cleaning, and headed home. I've been getting some cleaning done around the house, along with a trip to the gym to run, and dinner at the great Chinese buffet restaurant around the corner. All in all, a well-deserved low-key day.

I am starting to wonder if what I'm doing to myself with the crazy two-job schedule is worth it in the long run. Yes, it helps my finances immensely, but I also lose a LOT of free time in the process. My sleep patterns become scrambled, and I lose all sense of a routine. That definitely needs to be weighed before the next season of the p/t job comes around in September.

I can't say that I'm in the funk I was in a few nights ago, but it does feel like I've just pushed it all to the side until I can get a better handle on it. There's work to be's just a matter of when it's done, and how much ends up on the table. At this point, anything is possible.

What I'm Listening To: Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Toward Ecstacy

First Word That Comes To Mind: work

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
