What the Weekend Brought

06/27/2005 - 4:29 PM

Okay...another week has begun, and I wasn't quite ready for it. Can I just get a pass on this one?

The weekend actually went very well. Friday night was a long night of quality sleep, and it was clear the following morning that I definitely needed it. Even the time spent at the office on Saturday was primo. I didn't get "caught up", but this job never quite gets caught up, so I'll take whatever I can get.

Saturday night was a birthday party for a friend of Matt and mine that we know through Ted and Dale, combined with a "Happy Pride" party. It was a good time, but we spent much of the evening with Ted and Dale, along with several other friends we've met at their parties. There were probably seven or eight people there that will be at the ceremony next month. Other than that, there really wasn't much to report.

The morning of Pride came around, and it was kind of a blur...hurry out of the house, hurry downtown, hurry to the park...collapse on the grass and wait for an hour until our section of the parade started moving. It's a pretty cool feeling, standing up and making the presence of our church known, and we saw a lot of people that we knew along the way, too. Truthfully, we talked about taking a pass this year, but our minister personally asked us to be there, so how could we say no? I think we ended up with around 20 people marching, so it wasn't pitiful, but it wasn't what you'd hope for, either. Then, as tradition dictates, we went out for burgers. Not sure how that developed, but there it is. Fuddrucker's was the burger of choice this year...exciting, eh?

And then it kind of ends there. Nothing exciting, I can say. We headed home and crashed. Matt's cold has been getting progressively worse, while whatever throat thing I've had is finally saying good bye. The downtime in the evening was definitely needed.

Okay...book recommendation. I'm currently reading "The History of Love", by Nicole Krauss. It started out a little slow, but it's become a page-turner. I contemplated staying on the bus later this afternoon so I could read more, but next thing you know, I'm off on another of John's Great RTD Adventures, with who knows where as the destination. Synopsis in ten words or so...great book touches many lives, reminds people of why love matters...or at least that's what I can give you from the halfway mark.

What I'm Listening To: Seal - Love's Divine (Acoustic)

First Word That Comes To Mind: turn

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
