Where Do I Begin?

10/19/2004 - 11:12 AM

What a trip...it's been amazing on so many fronts. Where do I begin?

- My mom has been abducted by aliens and replaced by an even MORE accepting parental unit. I walked into the den last night, and my mom was going through Matt's genealogy, putting into the computer as my "partner". (It tried to put him in as wife, but mom corrected that) She's been absolutely wonderful and accepting, and I'm so proud of her for what she's done and where she's come from.

- The drive down to the Catskills was unbelieveable, with some of the most amazing fall folliage I've ever seen, and trust me, I've seen a lot of leaves change color. Matt was really impressed, too. At my uncle's place, you just felt like you were wrapped in orange, red and yellow.

- Portland, ME was as beautiful as usual. Sadly, my brother and his wife lost a guinea pig that they'd been trying to nurse back to health for the past few months, and his wife was taking it extremely hard. So most of our time in town was spent with my brother, but he showed us around, and we got to see several parts of the city and outlying area I hadn't seen before, including Freeport. Who would have thought to put an outlet store center in a coastal town? I sure wouldn't have, but it seems to work for them.

- Stopped in Boston to see Matt's ex-roommate's mom and sister, and we had a blast. Those Boston ladies can be accused of a lot of things, but boring is not one of them. They were instantly accepting of me, and they're planning to come out for the ceremony next year.

- For the first time, I actually worked a little downtime into a trip home, so we're sitting around the house today, just reading and watching TV. Matt's coming down with a bit of a cold, so hopefully this will help him fight that off. One more meal with the family tonight (homemade lasagna), and then we fly out early afternoon tomorrow.

So much happened on this trip. I will try and fill in more of the details later, but that's all for now.

What I'm Listening To: the TV in the background

First Word That Comes To Mind: fall

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
