The Weekend In Recap

11/03/2003 - 4:25 PM

This won't really be a deep entry...more of a catch-up than anything else...

Friday night was Matt's party, and it was a pretty good time. About five minutes before I planned on walking out the door, I decided to dress as a cowboy to get in the spirit of the holiday. Turns out I was one of only three people who actually did dress up, but at least no one could call me a humbug. That, and I got to wear the great hat I bought back in June in Estes Park.

Saturday was errand day, and my haircut was at the top of the list. Matt and I had a delicious Indian dinner, and then went home to take a long, hot (and hopefully steamy) bath. Unfortunately, the steamy part was short-lived, as Matt's roommate brought a party back to the apartment unannounced. A knock on the bathroom door was all of the notice that we got. Not really happy with that...and the mood was completely killed. We huddled in the bedroom for the rest of the night, leaving the humidifier on high to help drown out some of the noise from the living room.

Sunday started out with church (no cold was kicking into high gear), and then we met with Ted and his boyfriend for lunch. After that was a shopping trip to a Christmas store (Matt's idea), which actually turned into a good time. I was hesitant when he mentioned it, but I really enjoyed it. It didn't hurt that it was only 37 degrees outside, and it felt like December, either. After a few other stops, we headed back to his place, and then I came home to mine.

Not much else to report. The new job should start on Thursday, which isn't as quick as I'd hoped, but I can live with it. Cedric is going in for a hernia operation tomorrow, so I'm going to take him to the hospital and wait while he's in there. Hopefully it won't be an all-day stay, as I've got to get a few things done before the p/t job tomorrow night, but I don't think it will be too bad. If nothing else, that will be my good deed for the day tomorrow...helping out someone that's stabbed me in the back a few times.

Bad attitude, John...

What I'm Listening To: Hillary Duff - So Yesterday

First Word That Comes To Mind: Deed

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
