A Weekend of Work

12/05/2003 - 4:24 PM

Back in Denver for 48 hours now, and it's felt like a pretty non-stop ride so far. Stayed with Matt Wednesday night, worked Thursday during the day, and then stopped in to see Kris for the first time in at least three months, if not longer. We spent about 15 minutes catching up, and felt like we were right back up to speed. Also got a massage, and it was LONG overdue. I can't plead poverty with stuff like that forever, especially since I know what a difference it makes in both my body and my mind, so I bit the bullet and paid my money ($45 for about 90 minutes...very reasonable).

Worked again this morning, and now I'm putting a few things together so that I can spend the next few days at Matt's. He only lives about a half-mile from the f/t job, and I've got to work both jobs on both Saturday and Sunday, so it works out a lot better that way. If I make it through to Tuesday evening, I'll be okay. If not, just tell my mom that I died with my work clothes on. She'll be so proud...

And in the "aren't search engines GREAT?" department, I've gotten at least five hits for "milkshake song" since I posted my in-flight musical selections the other night. That's the sign of a true fad, I believe. Kelis's CD comes out on Tuesday, so I'll pick that up, and it looks like I won't be the only one. It always gives me a little bit of a boost when I realize that I've been in on something like this before it gets big...once again, my need to be first. Doesn't sound all that healthy, does it?

What I'm Listening To: Culture Club - The War Song (Ultimate Dance Mix)

First Word That Comes To Mind: first

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
