A Walk In the Woods

10/21/2003 - 12:13 PM

Back in the office, and I'm just in the groove at the moment. Plenty to do, but nothing overwhelming, so I'm pretty pleased. I'm flying out to Minneapolis tomorrow afternoon for a day, and then back in town for a WHOLE WEEK. What a concept!

Vacation was wonderful...Indiana was absolutely beautiful with all the trees giving up the green and showing their true colors. I was actually a little homesick for upstate NY with all the reds and oranges lighting up the backroads and wooded trails. We actually did a little bit of hiking, and there's something very lively about hiking in the woods with all the bright colors, especially if the sun is also out. It's as if the colors draw you in, hypnotizing you into journeying deeper and deeper into their lair. And what a beautiful lair it is, too. The park we stayed at Friday night was built around a creek with a small waterfall, and I was just LOVING it. Like I said, it was a SMALL waterfall, but it was definitely a waterfall, and I do love them, so it was all good.

We got in Thursday night about 10:30, picked up the rental car, and headed over to his friend Steph's place, where we spent two of our four nights. I've talked to Steph on the phone a few times, but this was my first meeting. She actually looks even more beautiful in person than she does in the photos I've seen.

Their friend Amy was there, too, and I'm not sure how the conversation got there, but we ended up at Steak N Shake, a favorite place of Matt's back in Indiana. We all got something to munch on, and then a guy Steph has been seeing showed up. One word...CREEPY! He's about 15 years older than Steph, and he seemed like a nice guy, but something was definitely off about him, and Matt had the exact same vibe.

The next morning, we hooked up with Barry, Matt's friend from Indy who lived here in Denver until a few months ago. We headed downtown to check out some of the historical spots, and had lunch (at Steak and Shake, once again). After that, it was off to the park for a day of sightseeing and hiking. As I stated above, the park was beautiful, and Barry stayed with us until late afternoon. We headed out to get some dinner, and then spent some VERY SPECIAL quality time in our room.

This room was a riot, too. Two double beds, and not much room for anything else. The bathroom was a decent size, but there was only a shower, with no tub. I think I've gotten spoiled on some of the rooms at hotels I've been put up in recently. It was cheap, though, so that's why we got it. Ended up sleeping in separate beds, but we weren't separated the entire time. Got some good stuff Friday night AND Saturday morning. Ain't nothing wrong with that!

Okay...getting busy here. Part 2 later...

What I'm Listening To: Me'shell Ndegeocello - Comfort Woman

First Word That Comes To Mind: trees

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
