Today Is The Day

07/23/2005 - 7:33 AM

Is it time yet?

Three hours from now, I will be sitting in a pew at the church I've attended for the past two years, listening to friends read passages from sonnets and Scripture, looking across the aisle and seeing Matt looking back at me, waiting for our chance to read the words that represent what we mean to each other. I'm not nervous...a bit anxious, hoping that everything goes off well, and a lot of excited, wanting to see everyone that's come out to celebrate with us.

Yesterday started out relaxed, got very stressing in the afternoon, and finally ended up being so enjoyable. The family dinner couldn't have gone better if we tried, and the food was just amazing. The out-of-towner reception was a big success, with folks from all over the country getting to know each other, hopefully to ensure that no one today will not know someone at the reception.

Okay...I'm getting excited now. Even more so, I guess. Of course this is's not legally binding or anything like that. But that makes this even more special. There's no need for it, from a tax breaks and who's changing their name way, but we're still doing it. It's not a need, it's a want.

And I want to do this...NOW!

Thanks for all the well-wishes. You'll get the blow-by-blow soon.

What I'm Listening To: Rascal Flatts - Bless the Broken Road

First Word That Comes To Mind: now

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
