Time To Party

10/31/2003 - 5:24 PM

Ahhh...the joys of a very hot bath on a shockingly cold October day. Not that I'm surprised by winter weather in October in Colorado, as it snowed in mid-October the first year I moved here. What is shocking is the ferocity of the cold and the wind and, most of all, the ice. I hate ice. It's a big fear of mine to be driving while there is even a chance of ice on the road. Now, try combining that with my fear of driving mountain roads at night, and the last thing you want is to be in the passenger's seat if I'm in the driver's seat. However, my duty to my jobs normally don't allow me to call in sick in those situations, so I do my best.

The last few hours at work were pretty cool, actually. I got pretty unanimous well-wishes, and at least three people made sure that if I ever need any product from the company, all I have to do is ask. This is good to know, although I did stock up as I went out the door. Two co-workers that I've been close with took me to lunch, and overall, it was a good experience. Even the VP of Sales told me that there are two tough people to work for in the company, and my boss was one of them. I took that to mean, "I don't blame you, either".

Okay...time to get ready for the party tonight. For once, I'm going to just let go and have fun. Haven't really done much of that lately, and I think it's overdue.

What I'm Listening To: Chris Cagle - Chicks Dig It

First Word That Comes To Mind: Loose

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
