Stop the Madness

10/27/2003 - 6:11 AM

Another restless night of sleep...this can't go on any longer. I am going into work today and giving my notice. My well-being and piece of mind are too precious to me to allow this to continue. So I begin yet another transition. And I'm so damn tired...

I can't write more right now. My brain is beyond scrambled, and I still feel sick to my stomach. Even the massage I got yesterday morning seems to have been a futile effort in fighting back some of the stress of this situation. And yet, I still find hope that things will work out. Flood's words of wisdom, "Be decent", resonate greatly with me. (Sorry...the diary is locked, but I know a few of you probably got the password) These people are not decent. They are all looking to get ahead, and will use anyone that they can as a scapegoat. Including myself.

The resignation letter will be typed this morning, and handed in. From there, I will detach myself from the situation as quickly as possible. A week's worth of notice, along with my eight days of vacation, should be enough notice. If they were going to let me go, then that's more consideration than I would have been shown. So even at the end, I can say I was "decent".

If that was said of me after my death, I'd say I lived a good life. So why stop now?

What I'm Listening To: Black Eyed Peas - Shut Up

First Word That Comes To Mind: exhausted

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
