If I Say It, Maybe It'll Work Out

10/21/2003 - 11:23 PM

Okay...just so I can put it down and someone hears (or reads) me say it, I'm seriously thinking about going back to school and getting my teaching degree. I wanted to teach when I was in high school, but everyone talked me out of it, saying that there wasn't any money in it. Well, I've come to realize that happiness can take you much further in life than a padded bank account, so I'm going to seriously consider it.

I feel like I need to do some type of aptitude test to see what direction I need to go in. Either that, or maybe just some type of career counseling. It's in my brain somewhere, but I have a hard time digging it out, and I think a good amount of that is because I realize that if I change direction, it's going to mean money and time that I don't feel like I have at the moment to invest. But when Is a good time? I doubt there ever is one.

So why not now?.

BTW...I'll give you part two of the recap from the weekend tomorrow, if I don't hurt someone at work first.

What I'm Listening To: Deric Ruttan - When You Come Around

First Word That Comes To Mind: teach

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
