Follow the Running Boy

08/09/2004 - 7:47PM

I did something kind of stalkerish this evening. Even as I did it, I wasn't completely sure why I did it, but that's never stopped me from doing bizarre stuff in the past, either.

Matt is hanging with Malcolm tonight, so dinner was a solo expedition. In my search for a burger that wasn't fast food, I found this great burger shack in Arvada that I'd never been to before, and the burger was impressive. Fries were a little greasy, but that's what burger shacks are supposed to have. So dinner consisted of one burger, one small order of fries, and a bottle of water. (That's my new kick...only water when I go out to eat) As I'm getting ready to leave, this guy jogs by the restaurant. Great build...probably about 5'10, and medium to thick frame, but definitely in shape. I didn't really even see his face, but there was something about him that I was drawn to.

So I pull out of the parking lot, and although I would normally take a left to head home, I took the right; partially because it was easier without a traffic light to let me out, and mostly because this good-looking guy was heading that way, too.

I'm normally a pretty discreet person, but I figured I'm not going to see this guy again, so I turn to look at him as I drive by. He looked even better up close, and was a bit older than I thought originally, too. He was wearing a baseball cap, a black sleeveless shirt, black basketball shorts with a gold trim around them, and he had headphones on. Add to that broad shoulders, great legs, and the appearance of a cute ass, and it was a great combination. Before you start thinking that I'm cruising someone for a hookup or having fantasies of leaving Matt in the dust, think again.

Sad as this sounds, I wanted to be him. As I looked back at him in the rear-view mirror, I felt even more inadequate than usual. And then I saw him cross the street, and on an impulse, I did a u-turn and saw him one more time. Yum. And I saw more of the face...very nice.

I really need to start running again.

What I'm Listening To: XM Radio, Channel 62

First Word That Comes To Mind: run

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
