Ring Not on His Finger

04/02/2006 - 2:05 PM

Well, I did it this time. I lost my ring. I actually had a close call a month or so ago, when I thought I'd lost it, but it was sitting on the sink at home, where I took it off to put styling product in my hair. But this time, I have no idea. I remember thinking to myself how loose the ring felt this morning, and that if we were out and about that we should swing by the jewelry store where we got them to see if it could be re-sized. Now I've just got to find the ring, first. But then your brain starts playing tricks on you, and you're not completely convinced that you even had the ring on when you thought that thought. Ugh.

So now I'm a little freaked out. I can't help but thinking of the dollar value of the ring, but you'll understand if I tell you that the sentimental value is worth so much more than that. I'm at a loss. This feeling truly sucks.

I'm going to head to the gym before they close to get a quick workout in, and then I'm coming back here and tearing every inch of the house apart. I need to have that ring back on my finger before the end of the day.

Original weight: 228
Current weight: 207
Goal weight: 190

What I'm Listening To: TV in the background

First Word That Comes To Mind: lost

What I'm Currently Reading: Stephen King - Cell

Terror Alert Level
