Right Job, Wrong Time

05/19/2004 - 8:30 PM

I suppose this won't surprise anyone who knows how much I get into pop culture, but I've been sucked right back into American Idol this season. Three singers left, and one of the three should have been gone a month ago. Nothing personal, but I'm truly annoyed that Jasmine is still in this thing. I've never had a reason to think badly of Hawaii until now, but it doesn't seem right that an entire state is voting for one person, simply because she was born there. It's a talent competition, not a beauty contest. I think she's sung one song this entire season where I thought she was worthy. Everything else has been cheesy Mickey Mouse Club covers.

The third interview today went really well, with one hitch. The positions I have been interviewing for have been filled. Oops! I truly believe that, had they had a position available, it would have been offered today. Unfortunately, the only position available is on the other side of town, and the commute would be an hour each way every day. Not a good idea, so I need to decide if I will pursue them placing me with a client, or hold off and let them put me in the pipeline for a position, should one open.

Jasmine has been released. I'm not happy she lost, but I am happy that the two more talented people are going on to the finals. And fortunately, they let her go back and sing the one song I thought she did really well this season.

Okay...hopefully I'll know more about the potential promotion at the f/t job tomorrow. Ted passes on the resume today, and he said he would make sure the VP over the department had the resume. I've never had two potential options for employment, and neither work out, so fingers are crossed that this works out.

What I'm Listening To: American Idol

First Word That Comes To Mind: luck

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
