Pretty, Witty and Gay

06/24/2005 - 10:46 PM

I went back and read the last two entries, just to see what type of a tone i was conveying, and I surprised myself with just how chipper I really came across as. Chipper may be a bit of an exaggeration. No, I'm not slipping into some Jeckyl/Hyde metamorphosis where the view behind the changing curtain is a silhouette of a man transforming into a beast. It's just my natural "Keeping Up Appearances" facade.

First off, I don't ever remember being as sick as I've been over the first five months of this year. The strange thing about that is, a lot of people I know have said the same thing. Have we completely poisoned our air and food and water enough that there is a constant malaise that shadows each of us like a neighborhood dog? Maybe it's just a bad allergy year or something. I have no clue, but from the sound of it, neither do the doctors.

It's official...I'm as big as I've ever been, and that's not meant in a good way (unless I show up at the Wrangler tonight...they'd LOVE me!) Granted, working 50+ hours a week and trying to pull a commitment ceremony together doesn't help with free time, but come ON, John! You saw every episode of American Idol with the exception of one audition show. DVR is NOT your friend! Although I will say that I don't think I watch that much TV, Matt sure seems to. ***BTW, I became addicted to "House" about halfway through the first season, and I've been catching up on the earlier episodes this summer. Brilliant check it out if you haven't***

And then there's the issue with my finances. Despite the raise that came along with my promotion back in January, the P/T job ended earlier than expected this year, and you'd be amazed how much one of these little Commitment shindigs cost ya. Sadly, I don't have a doting father to pay out for his only "girl" to run off with Prince Charming.

So because I'm not feeling all that hot, I did stay home sick on Wednesday, and I need to go into the office tomorrow to catch up (I won't get docked the sick day, which seems like a good idea with the way I've been feeling lately) After a quick swing home, it's off to the Pride/Birthday party for a couple of lesbians that we've gotten to know recently, and then Sunday is the Super Bowl of the Homosexuals (gay pride celebration). I truthfully don't want to go, since I've been every year since I moved here, but our minister asked us to, and we agreed, so that settles that.

Okay...time to go to bed. I've got a long, gay weekend ahead of me.

What I'm Listening To: The sound of traffic in the distance, with the sprinklers just kicking in

First Word That Comes To Mind: balance

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
