Patterns Exposed

01/19/2004 - 6:07 PM

I'm heartened and ashamed, all at the same time. The hits to the diary the past few days have been right back to what I saw before, and I'm heartened that people are keeping up, even with the extended lapses. But this isn't about people reading...if anything, the only reason I continue to do my journal online is to have the occasional feedback that I receive, as well as a REASON to do it, as I have never been able to maintain a journal this long before.

Now that I think about it, I guess it IS about people reading the journal. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the benefits I just listed above.

(This would be so much better reading if I actually wrote it down first, proof it to make sure it's coherent, and THEN post. But no...I have to insist on the stream of consciousness (with spell check usually, but not always).

I've been catching up with a few friends that I haven't talked to in a while, and they keep asking me about my job. All I can say is "'s okay". This DOES mean something, and yet I put off job-hunting, just like I put off going to the gym and finding quiet time for myself. Notice a pattern?

Okay...time to finish packing. Anyone need a souvenir from NYC?

What I'm Listening To: No Doubt - Just a Girl

First Word That Comes To Mind: Finish

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
