Put It Out of My Head

10/22/2004 - 3:40 PM

Sorry for the delay on details...and you won't get too much on this one, either. Actually, I've got about a half hour until I have to be at the p/t job (starting up again). In the next 80 minutes I need to get this entry up, change into work clothes, swing by the DMV to drop off my absentee ballot (that'll be a relief), then swing by the office to pick up my credentials for tonight. I'll probably get to sleep about six hours tonight, and then it's back to the f/t job. Luckily, I was able to get out of work about 45 minutes early today, so I've got a little breathing room.

I have resolved to stop worrying about this election...it's less than two weeks away, and people have already started to vote, so it's pretty much on auto-pilot now. I'll still read the blogs and the news websites, but I just can't let this get me more worked up than I have been recently. I was truly despondent about a week ago when it felt like Bush was regaining some momentum. I am convinced that there are several voting segments that aren't being reached by the polling groups, including college students, that will really push the results over the edge for Kerry, but like I said, I can't let myself get too excited. I'll save the celebrations for the 3rd...

...of January, at this rate.

I have this sick fantasy that Bush wins the popular vote, but Kerry wins the election. Let's see how quickly a proposal to eliminate the Electoral College comes if THAT happens!

What I'm Listening To: Maroon5 - She Will Be Loved

First Word That Comes To Mind: stressed

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
