Ocean Front Property in Arizona

10/13/2004 - 4:37 PM

I have to add an entry tonight, as Matt and I are headed to Syracuse very early in the morning. The past week has just been there...just hanging in mid-air, with nothing to attach myself onto. I went to Spanish class, attended the marketing meeting at church, worked Monday and Tuesday, did homework with Matt Monday night. And yet I feel completely detached from all of it. Hopefully a week of running around, seeing family and friends, and being with Matt non-stop will help reconnect me.

Part of my detachment right now is the complete dread I have that Dubya is about to be re-elected, even though a lot of the indicators are still showing hope for Kerry to pick up the win. The face of the Supreme Court will be drastically changed, the non-accountability motivation will lead to even more self-serving actions, and the threat of being written out of the Constitution will continue to exist. There's also a slight chance that the Republicans will lose control of the Senate, but I'm not feeling extremely optimistic about that, either. Please let all of these undecided voters come out and show their disapproval...although, if I were undecided, I sure wouldn't vote for Kerry, either. But as it stands, I will go down to the trailer park in three weeks and make my voice heard. For once, there's actually something at stake for someone other than a Republican in Colorado.

And yes...Matt and I will be camped out in front of the TV tonight. Senator, you'd better not fuck this up. And Mr. President, please don't try to sell any wood tonight. Maybe you should stick to that ocean front property down there in Arizona.

What I'm Listening To: Usher and Alicia Keys - My Boo

First Word That Comes To Mind: pessimism

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
