I'm Not Gonna Sleep 'Til...

10/07/2004 - 5:08 AM

It's 5am on Thursday morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep, even though I'm at Matt's place, and could have slept almost another hour. There's a lot weighing on my mind, and yet I haven't been motivated to write entries for the last week. So as I sleep, I dream about a killer virus that causes Central Florida to be quarrantined, and that I've returned to my last f/t job "for a day". Two extremely freaky and scary dreams. Yet, out of the blue, I came up with some pretty impressive insight...

-My physical fitness is not in a good place, and I know it. I've allowed this relationship to give me an out, and I took it almost immediately. Before I started dating Matt, I worked out 4-5 days a week, and I had pretty much hit my fitness goals when Matt and I met. This is not a cop-out...I take full responsibility for this, and I recognize that I was looking for any valid reason to get out of the rigid routine I was in.

So the revelation was that Matt's schedule rules what I do and when I do it, and he's never even asked me to work like that. It is insinuated...I know he resents having his time dictated by people or other sources, but he's never actually said that. I know I've talked about this a few times recently, but I need to sit down and budget both my time AND my money, and soon. Since Matt and I are going to be traveling back to Syracuse next week for a week, I'm thinking about taking the weekend off and digging into this. But not before I take another aggrevating dip into...

-Politics! I'm obsessed with this election, and not in a positive way, either. I'm cautiously optimistic that President Bush will not win a second term, and I am realistic that whatever way this election goes, there won't be a LOT of change. I got my request form for an absentee ballot yesterday, and I will do my voting ASAP so I can get that out of the way. I was out of town for work four years ago, so I did not get to vote (not that it mattered...Bush won Georgia by a huge margin). Besides the Presidency, there are several amendments on the ballot here in Colorado that I believe strongly in, including Electoral College reform, and an expansion of rapid transit in the Denver metro area.And please don't get me started about Pete Coors.

(Side note...they recently reported that Coors Light has recently lost a few tenths of a percent in market share. Ya think this might have something to do with a recently renewed boycott of Coors' products, due to their namesake's political position on gay rights? One could hope...)

-Work - Y'all are probably sick of hearing me talk about his, but I am sick of my job, and need to get out of it. The promises of a promotion continue to float out in the abyss, and I'm not used to that when they're supposedly coming from someone who's looking out for my best interest. Then again, I was hired on at the job almost two weeks later than I originally expected, so there is precedent for the feet-dragging I'm seeing. Sadly, I just don't have the energy/motivation/eagerness to start looking elsewhere. Something's got to change, and soon.

What I'm Listening To: CNN American Morning

First Word That Comes To Mind: status

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
