A Nice Ring To It

07/14/2004 - 3:48 PM

Okay, I'm feeling more like writing today, although I'm still forcing myself to sit down and do it. Thanks to Non-Descript for giving me some incentive to do so, if for no one else other than myself.

Matt and I met at the mall this afternoon for lunch, and I got sucked into buying something that I've wanted for a while, but couldn't justify until now...XM Satellite Radio! Long story short, they had an amazing deal with the player, car setup kit, and home setup kit for $99! I couldn't walk out of the mall without it, and it's now playing in the living room. It will be in the car within the next hour.

Along with the unexpected purchase, we also stopped in to several jewelry stores to look at rings...another first for me. Figures...first one I try on actually got stuck on my finger. I really like the titanium rings, but Matt's taste seems to be sliding toward the white gold. Truthfully, I am so unsophisticated at this that all I care about is how it looks, and if me being a clutz will put this ring in jeopardy. The only ring I've ever owned was my high school ring, and I lost that puppy within two years. So this is a big step for me, especially if I'm wearing it 24/7.

Last night's discussion was on houses, and we actually have an area in town that we both like. It's a new development where the old airport used to be, and they're going to be building there for the next few years. The old airport was Stapleton, but the high population of gay and lesbian couples has led to Gaypleton becoming it's nickname. The house won't probably be an option until 2006, but every time something like this pops up, we usually dig right into it. It's actually been pretty fun.

Okay, off to the p/t job this evening. I'll check back in tomorrow.

What I'm Listening To: XM Satellite Radio, baby!

First Word That Comes To Mind: ring

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
