Better Late Than Never

02/21/2004 - 12:03 PM

The last two weeks have been two of the least uneventful, and yet there have been a lot of changes floating out in the atmosphere. Here's my situation at this very moment:

- Matt is currently seeing the sights in Amsterdam with Malcolm and his friend Gareth, who lives in London. He won't be back until Wednesday.

- I am currently dog-sitting Cedric's dog, who was in the animal hospital on Tuesday night for dehydration. He had some nasty bacterial build-up in his lower GI tract, and I've been having the pleasure of feeding him pills twice a day. It's been trial-and-error, but I figured out the best way to do that, so everyone's happy now. Of course, I haven't heard from Cedric at all this week, even though Malcolm wrote him to let him know that the dog was in the hospital (he's in Australia at the moment). If my pet was sick, I would call daily, but that's just me.

- Work is funky right now...I'm not sure how else to put it. It's definitely manageable at the moment, but I'm not really into it. Of course, the position that I'd rather be in is opening up, but I don't have enough tenure to officially apply for the position. The job I'm applying for has very low turnover, and there may actually be TWO positions opening. Talk about bad timing...hopefully, they'll make an exception on the six-month rule, since I've got the qualifications.

- Money is tight, but not too bad. Still, I was hoping to have gotten ahead a bit by now, but that has not occurred. It's frustrating, but I could be in a much more difficult position, so I have no room to complain.

- I'm afraid to step on the scale at the moment. I have a bad feeling it's in the 210s right now, which would be an all-time high for me. The progress I made in one year's time has taken about one year to fall apart. Sounds about right...

- Mentally, emotionally and spiritually, I'm off-center, without any focus. I feel like I'm just drifting at the moment. For once, I'm really not sure why I'm in the state that I'm in. The voices in my head have quieted down (or I've shut them or the other).

That's my current situation. I'm going to try and figure out what I've done over the past few weeks, and catch those up as well. Hopefully, it won't take two weeks to post it.

What I'm Listening To: Mary J Blige - Not Today

First Word That Comes To Mind: Catchup

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
