In the Barnyard

10/26/2004 - 9:09 PM

Hi, my name is John, and I'm addicted to the elections...

So there I am, laying in bed with Matt on Sunday morning, curled up to keep warm, while we watch the Sunday morning news shows. On Late Edition, the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Jerry Falwell were debating the issues of the day, and when asked about gay rights, Falwell said "the barnyard gets it right."


Actually, he was referencing a comment that the Ohio Sec of State made in regards to the issue of gay marriage that's on the ballot there. He said that barnyard animals don't have gay behaviors (tell THAT to the dog humping your leg when you get out of your car!), which set off even some Republican politicians in the state. Long story short, he basically said that gays and lesbians were lower than barnyard animals.

Like I'm shocked...really.

Oh. While we're talking about Falwell, he also said in the interview that the US is "blowing them (the terrorists) away in the name of the Lord."

I swear, I just heard the banjo from Deliverance in my head...

I've called in sick the past two days, but I'm not quite sure why. Sadly, I don't feel any better for the time off. I know I'll be walking into a mess tomorrow, but my conscience won't let me call in another day. I've got the sick time, but that will leave my co-workers holding the ball, and that's not cool.

If I had to guess what depression feels like, this would be pretty damn close.

What I'm Listening To: Phil Hendrie Show

First Word That Comes To Mind: sad

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
