I'm Satisfied

08/20/2006 - 9:35 PM

The end is in sight...12 days and counting. As of September 2, I am done with radical diets, and I am back to eating like a "rational" American (which I suppose will still make me stand out like a sore thumb, but at least I won't drool at the mention of the word "bread"). I have six pounds to go to get to my goal, but for the first time in a LONG time, I like my body. When I go to the gym, I actually can look at it in a mirror without diverting my eyes immediately. The little bit of roll around my midsection is exactly that...little. As an added bonus, I have finally decided to stop beating up on myself, and can accept that the progress I've made is more than adequate. Am I buff? No...let's not get carried away. But am I fit? Yeah...I am fit.

(Side note for the geeks in the audience, and I know there are a few. I bought a Green Lantern t-shirt about a month ago [emerald green with the GL logo on the chest], and I got two compliments on it this afternoon from complete strangers. Is that random or WHAT?)

So September 2 is my trip home to upstate NY to see my folks (and hopefully, my brother from Maine). That's why I have the self-imposed deadline. Everything that I've done with this training has been set up around goals, and I've been relatively successful with this plan. Nothing too far-reaching...everything has been attainable, and I've hit almost all of my goals. The weight is actually negotiable, but the result is what I'm after. I don't want that apple shaped body that they say is more prone to heart attacks. Here's a goal...I'd like to put a penny into my navel, and not have it stay there. I'd like it to fall to the ground, roll under the couch, and make me look for it. That would keep my mind off of stupid stunts like that for a few minutes, any way you look at it.

Busy week...training with Dre three times this week, as well as running three days (I did weights this morning, too). I've got a massage and a back adjustment planned as well, and I think I'm going to take my first pilates class. Add a haircut with my hot barber on Saturday, and I think it's going to be a red letter week.

What I'm Listening To: Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice

First Word That Comes To Mind: satisfied

What I'm Currently Reading: Another Sudoku book

Terror Alert Level
