Hacking In East Lansing

09/19/2006 - 8:02 AM

School #2 on the tour brings Matt and John to the (so far) cute town of East Lansing, Michigan. I like the feel of the town so far, although there isn't a lot that distinguishes it from other towns so far. So I'll be driving around for a couple of hours, getting my bearings, while taking a conference call for work in Denver about a project that I'm involved in. Joy...

The time with Matt's family last night was great, although brief and low-energy. After a few days of driving around in Ohio and Indiana, we were both wiped out, but trying to keep our energy up for the family. Matt's was waning a bit more than mine, partially because he's been sleeping less, and partially because this process has got to be more mentally draining on him than me. Even though I'm impacted, these meetings are really his only way to put a face with a name, and he needs to make a positive impression. So although I know he's enjoying the process, it's not completely fun, either.

Flying back to Denver tonight, and back to work at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Matt's only in town for two days, then heads out to Minneapolis for Paul's 30th birthday (and to pay another visit to U of MN). I'm planning on sleeping a bunch this weekend, but we'll see if that happens.

What I'm Listening To: All the college girls walking by on their way to class

First Word That Comes To Mind: sleep

What I'm Currently Reading: Barney Hoskyns - Hotel California

Terror Alert Level
