We'll Have A Gay Ol' Time

10/29/2005 - 5:07 PM

Okay...not too much done today, but after the roller-coaster week I've had, I don't have a problem with it. The new department move has been pushed back a bit more, and the co-worker who will now be reporting to me found out, and didn't take it well. Add to that the p/t job, and just the usual out-and-about obligations, and it's been a busy week.

Last night was the double date to see Wallace and Gromit...disappointing. The movie was just "eh", but the short film at the beginning focused on four penguins was just TOO funny. Those penguins need their own movie. It was good to catch up with Jane and Patty, but it's always awkward for me to be around Patty. I have a hard time relating to her, which is odd, since I'm usually a very empathetic person. Jane is qwirky, and I love her for it. Patty just comes off a bit aloof, and that doesn't usually suit me well, but it wasn't too bad last night. But when I say I'm not feeling like tea, please don't keep pushing the tea on me!

So tonight is Ted and Dale's Halloween party, and the preparations are underway. (We're going as Fred and Wilma Flintstone, if you hadn't guessed from the hint given last week.) Matt's down in Denver with Malcolm (who will be Barney), Matt's old roommate Jared (Betty), and Malcolm's new flame Leonard, who isn't going, but used to do drag, and is doing Matt and Justin's makeup. I'll get to see them all in about 90 minutes. If I'm feeling daring, I'll post the pictures tomorrow.

What I'm Listening To: Kylie Minogue - I Feel For You

First Word That Comes To Mind: costume

What I'm Currently Reading: Gorilla Suit - Bob Paris (REALLY almost done)

Terror Alert Level
