Food and Sex...Two Great Tastes

01/27/2004 - 3:12 PM

I get insight into my life at the strangest times. Many times, it comes to me while I am driving, since I drive alone more than I do with someone else. Here's what I came up with today...

Is my current situation of being supportive of Matt's pursuit of grad studies truly a genuine gesture, or am I just using it as a crutch to keep delaying when I will figure out what to do with my own life? If you pinned me down on this one, I'd probably say the latter, but I also have a tendency to think the worst of my intentions, at least initially. There's also the possibility that I've been put in the position of being open and available for this opportunity, too. Whatever happens, I still need to be cognizant of my future, and where this may lead.

Last night turned out to be very relaxing for Matt and I. We met up for dinner at CPK, and then walked around the mall where the restaurant is, just being goofy and having a good time. Headed home, and just crashed on the bed. That led to a very hot session of monkey lust that really hit the spot.

This morning was a different story, though. I mentioned to Matt that I was going to start watching what I eat again, and he launched into some goofy rant about �not knowing how to react to that�. Seems he feels threatened that I�m going to expect him to do the same thing, and in his Libertarian way, he informed me that he would exercise more, but eat whatever he wants to eat.

Um, hello? Did I miss something?

The boy gets stuck on things where he has an absolute opinion that will never be changed, even if his logic isn�t airtight to the rest of us listening in. Case in point�the great diet debate, which resurfaced this morning. Everyone�s got his or her quirks, and I�m no exception, but this bothered me. He took it personally that I mentioned a diet, and that wasn�t my intention. At the risk of stirring things up again, I will mention it quickly this evening, and let him know his plate is NOT in my crosshairs�just my gut.

One last note�for those of you who I talk music with; the most recent Bangles CD is EXCELLENT. Do check it out�

What I'm Listening To: Stacie Orrico - Strong Enough

First Word That Comes To Mind: Diet

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
