Book 'Em

08/24/2006 - 2:35 PM

His Royal Literary Badass threw down the gauntlet, so here you go. Feel free to pick up the torch as you see fit...

Book that changed your life � Truthfully, at the moment, it�s the South Beach Diet. I�m in the best shape of my life, and now I actually know how to keep it there through sensible eating.

One book you have read more than once - Stephen King is hit or miss for me, but The Stand will always be THAT BOOK for me.

One book on a desert island � I just read Full Circle by Michael Thomas Ford, and it dawns on me that I need a book that fulfills multiple�needs�that you�d have on an island all by yourself. A four-hundred page �historical drama� with gay sex seems to fill that requirement.

One book that made you laugh - I�ve just recently finished Alison Bechdel�s Fun Home, and the combination of a dysfunctional family�s story told in cartoon form, combined with a smart lesbian�s wit, makes for a few giggles to yourself as your sitting on the 31X headed home.

One book that made you cry - Don�t laugh�Charlotte�s Web. That�s the most prominent one in my mind, anyway.

One book you wish you had written � Wow�I have no idea where to start with this one. Probably The History of Love, which is my favorite book of the past few years.

One book you wish had never been written � I have some issues with the New Testament. Does that count?

One book you are currently reading. I just started a Patricia Cornwell-style thriller called Triptych by Karin Slaughter (what a great name for an author!), and I�m flying through it so far.

One book you have been meaning to read � For some reason, I�ve wanted to go back and read Watership Down again. Unfortunately, three books came in from my reserved list this week, so I need to get through them in the next three weeks.

I'm plowing through the busy week surprisingly well. My massage last night was AMAZING, and the rest of the night was just laid back. Dre's got my ticket this afternoon, and then I'll fend for myself for dinner afterward. Friday night's DATE'll be great to spend some quality time with Matt without any distractions.

What I'm Listening To: Mary J Blige - My Life

First Word That Comes To Mind: book

What I'm Currently Reading: Karin Slaughter - Triptych

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