Beating Myself Up

08/18/2003 - 11:59 AM

I have to say, I went back and read my entry from yesterday, and it really made me smile. That's the type of stuff that I hoped to write when I started this journal almost a year ago (this is entry 199, in case you keep track), but I often find myself too hurried to put that stuff down. Instead, I resort to my day-to-day stuff, which ends up being a superficial commentary instead of something deeper.

Okay, John...stop beating yourself up. Just the fact that you've kept doing this for almost a year is a MAJOR achievement in itself. Besides, this isn't meant for impressing anyone (although the occasional compliment doesn't hurt, either). This journal is here to log and document your life; to provide a historical document that you can look back upon down the road and hopefully learn from; to make sure that the memories of your life aren't swept to the roadside; to actually do something for YOU on a (hopefully) daily basis.

And now, back to Sybil...

Here's my big problem with what I write. I don't have that introspective vibe when I'm at the office, and that's where I do the majority of my entries. However, if I didn't do entries here, there are many times where no entry would be done at all. So I resolve to write at home whenever possible, and maybe even in other locations, and then just transfer that writing to my journal as soon as possible. That's doable...

A note of recognition before I go, though. AM's mom died yesterday in a car wreck. That's the second friend here in Denver who's mom has died this year. I would call my mom to tell her I love her and that she'd better not die for a LONG time, but at the moment she's sitting on the beach in South Carolina, enjoying the sun and surf. And that's EXACTLY where she should be...she's earned it, dammit!

What I'm Listening To: Fleetwood Mac - The Chain

First Word That Comes To Mind: writing

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
