And Let Go...

10/22/2006 - 4:06 PM

Is it morbid of me to have picked out something to be read at my funeral/memorial when I leave this world?

Matt and I were asked by our minister to read at today's service, as we do about once a month, and Toni gave me the Scripture to read. Here's what I had the priviledge of reading:

Psalm 139 (adapted by Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi)

God. You made me.
From before I was born,
You took me through my life.
You supported me.
You were there with me when I wasn�t there with You.
There were times I was sick and You healed me.
There were times I was in despair and You gave me hope.
There were times when I felt betrayed and I could still turn to You.
It was a wonderful life. I loved and I was loved.
I sang, I heard music, I saw flowers, I saw sunrises and sunsets.
Even in places when I was alone,
You, in my heart, helped me turn loneliness into precious solitude.
I look back over the panorama of my life,
What a wonderful privilege this was!
I still have some concerns for people in the family,
For the world, for the planet.
I put them in Your Blessed Hands.
I trust that whatever in the Web of Life
That needed me to be there is now completed.
I thank You for taking the burden from me,
And I thank You for keeping me in the Light.
As I let go, and let go, and let go�and let go

It would be easy to say that "the spirit" overcame me as I read it, but I know that it was more about how the passage really spoke to my feelings about the life that I'm lucky to live. There isn't anything in my life that I would change, and I'm fortunate to be in a place where I can be that positive. Everything that has happened in my life has happened for a reason, and I've done my best to learn from each one of them.

I may do another entry later, but right now, I need to devote my afternoon to watching the rest of the Colts game.

What I'm Listening To: The Redskins losing to the Colts

First Word That Comes To Mind: Colts

What I'm Currently Reading: John Nichols - The Milagro Beanfield War

Terror Alert Level
