Somewhere Over the Double Rainbow

06/23/2005 - 10:17 PM

I've only seen a double rainbow twice in my life, and tonight was one of those nights. The other one was last year, when I took Matt to Rochester while we were in NY visiting my family. It's corny more than anything else, but it was cool to see it. I think Matt got a picture of it, so if it came out decently, I'll post it.

The flu has gone over the hump, but the sore throat is still with me. If anything, I'd say it's gotten worse, but it's possible it's the same, and that the fever and aches just distracted from it. Either way, I don't like it. Hopefully it'll be better in the morning.

So there's a big reorganization going on at work, and I actually made a couple of moves that are going to get me noticed. My position shifted to another supervisor's group, which is fine by me. In talking about "what would you do if you ran the department", I blurted out an idea of consolidating a few of my functions into another job that is arguably under-tasked (is that a legitimate term?) The new supervisor loved the idea, and since the job is being vacated, I may be moved into that position to assume the responsibilities that I discussed. On top of that, I made a recommendation for someone to assume my position (should this plan go through), and that was also greeted with "what a great fit for the department".

*John does the "I ain't stressed about work for once" dance*

So work is going to be rough for a few weeks going through the transition, but it's leading to a happy ending, and it'll all be worth it. Add to that the fact that the ceremony is exactly one month from today, and life couldn't be too much better.

What I'm Listening To: Stardust vs Madonna - Holiday/Music Sounds Better With You

First Word That Comes To Mind: stressless

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
