Put Down the Fork!

08/16/2003 - 4:19 PM

Not a lot to report at the moment. As promised, I took last night as some serious quality time for myself, and that's exactly what I got. Went to sleep around 10:30 after watching a little TV and taking an extremely hot and relaxing bath. Went to the gym with TD this morning, and then came home to do a couple of things before meeting back up with him for lunch. We checked out a new vitamin/supplement store, but it was kind of pitiful, so he dropped me off, and I promptly took a nap. Not too long, but long enough to make me feel like I'm ready for whatever Matt and I end up doing tonight.

I'm feeling a bit frustrated with my physical appearance at the moment. I stepped on the scale this morning, and it's official that I've put all the weight on that it took me almost a year to lose. Talked to Terry about it, and he's going to be there to kick my butt if I lose my way, but I also need to talk to Matt about it. Some of the things that this will take (early mornings at the gym, being more fussy about where/what I eat) will affect him, and I need his understanding. Truthfully, I'm not sure how he's going to react. There's always been a little bit of conflict with the morning/night person clash, but nothing serious. If you asked me right now, I'd say he's going to be alright with it, but I don't know that for a fact.

Okay...time to hit the shower. We're having dinner at B&S's place tonight, which is always a good time. I'll fill you in on the chat tomorrow.

What I'm Listening To: Sean Paul - Like Glue

First Word That Comes To Mind: fat

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
