Forcing Myself

07/17/2003 - 1:28 PM

Not feeling all that chatty at the moment, but I want to make sure that I'm doing an entry at least once a day. I've fallen off the wagon a couple of times in the past few weeks, and I'd like to correct that trend. Besides, I actually do have a couple of things to note...I'm just not that motivated at the moment.

Matt leaves for MU's sister's wedding this afternoon, and I'm not going to see him again until Monday night. Talk about sweet...he actually gave me the key to his place, so I can meet him there on Monday. Awwwwwwwwwww! I get a bit too sappy sometimes about him, but I like it, so that's all that matters.

Speaking of sweet, I woke up about 3:00 this morning, and Matt was muttering something, so I just assumed he was talking in his sleep. Then he woke up enough to say "I love you", to kiss me, and then to go back to sleep. I've got this goofy grin on my face right now just thinking about it.

Having dinner with CW tonight, and I have a feeling that this will become a trend for the weekend. Since MU is going out of town, CW won't have anyone else that he's close to in-town, and he's not traveling. He's actually made a comment about "when do I get to meet your other friends", but I don't know that I want to go there. Drama follows the boy, and I feel bad everytime it happens to someone I introduce CW to. Besides, when I'm with Matt, TW or MU, his name always comes up in the conversation. I've got a couple of friends where that's not an issue, so I'd like to keep it that way.

I've gotten a little more...not angry, not upset, but disappointed...about the talk my boss and I had about my performance over the past 90 days. Although I agree with everything that she said, and I know that there's significant room for improvement, it dawned on me that she really didn't have anything positive to say about my job performance, either. I'm not looking for glory I said, I'm not happy with the performance, either...but I would like to know if at least one aspect of the job has been good.

Okay...back to the grind here. Marketing meeting at 2:00, and I have a feeling I'm going to get grilled for one more thing I didn't do right. Ugh...

What I'm Listening To: No Music To Speak Of

First Word That Comes To Mind: yawn

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
