This Is NOT Where I Live

07/03/2003 - 11:34 AM

Tonight will be a busy night, but not for the usual reasons. No dinners, no movies, no concerts, no nothing. Just CLEANING...

I have been dating Matt for over three months, and he has never seen my condo. Bizarre, I know. He's actually been in the parking lot, but that's the closest he's come. There's actually a few reasons for this, which may or may not be reasonable, but they make me feel better:

1) Almost everything we do is closer to his place than mine. He lives in town, I live in the 'burbs. A lot of our friends (including MU and CW) live in the same apt. complex that he does, so even more convenience.

2) I'm not really proud of where I live. Sad, but true. When I bought the condo, I had these awesome plans, but my money had other plans. Add to that the meth lab incident from a couple of months ago (I can't find the exact entry right now), and it's been a sore spot for me. I need to loosen up...just the fact that I own my own place should be a point of pride, not shame.

3) Ashton. Matt's allergic, and Ash is a nightmare for someone who has pet allergies. This is probably the biggest of the three, since I have a hard time keeping up with all the cat hair he leaves behind. The new vacuum helps a lot, but it's still a struggle.

So I'm cleaning like a fiend at the moment for two reasons. Matt will probably get to see my place tomorrow, and I'm also expecting to have company over next Thursday as well, so it's a priority for me. I was pulling out furniture in the living room and vacuuming behind it, and ended up moving it around a bit in the process. Why does it matter about getting behind the furniture? I have NO idea...just seemed like it needed to be done. Of course I pick the hottest day of the year so far to do it...gotta love planning!

What I'm Listening To: 10,000 Maniacs - The Painted Desert

First Word That Comes To Mind: holiday

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
