Phone? What Phone?

06/26/2003 - 9:22 PM

I finally did it...I left the phone somewhere that I can't get at it. For those of you who don't know, I swore off Ma Bell and her bastard children when I moved into the new place, and only have a cell phone. Being a bit forgetful, I'm pretty impressed that it's taken over a year for it to happen, but now I'm incommunicado for the night.

However, that doesn't seem to have stopped me from chatting with the cat. I can carry on conversations at length with Ashton, but they usually come around to "aren't you sweet" or "who's a boy" in this modified baby talk that I have going on with him. At the moment, he's sitting at my feet, hoping I pick up a straw and throw it across the room for him to fetch (he's brought three along for a sense that I have a choice in the matter). I'm thinking he'll settle for a scratch under the chin, but you never know with this cat.

Two entries in one day...some of the planets must be falling off their axis at the same time. Suppose I should just slip into bed and drift off to sleep before they start hurtling toward each other and cause another Big Bang.

What I'm Listening To: The Fugees - Killing Me Softly

First Word That Comes To Mind: straw

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
