Everything but the Oven Door

06/20/2003 - 8:35 PM

It's not even 9pm on Friday night, and I'm just about ready to head to bed. Sad, but true. You're gonna love the story behind how I ended up here. Or maybe not...who knows...

I headed out to TW's house last night to get the lowdown on taking care of the animals while he and his family head off in the family RV to California, and it does not appear to be all that difficult a task from what I can see. It's only going to be a few days, anyway, and from the way his family has been good to me in the past, it's the least I can do to help out. The only pain is going to be the commute into Denver for three days from where he lives. Oh well...I'll definitely survive.

Sorry...slight digression, but I wanted to include that anyway. Back to the story at hand..

We took his nieces and nephews out to dinner at a Chinese buffet, and let me tell you, if you've never taken seven kids to a buffet, you're probably not missing anything in your life, but it sure was fun to watch. If I'd been actually RESPONSIBLE for them, then I probably would have sworn it off in the future. Since I'm just the friendly guy that hangs out with the family from time to time, I'm not having ANY of the responsibility thing. I just have to watch out to make sure I'm not laughing along with the kids when they're sucking jello through a straw or bringing the crawfish to life in puppet shows. Ahhh...good times...

So after three trips to the buffet (two for dinner, and one for dessert), I was fuller than a tick on a sleeping cow. The plan after that was to stay at Matt's, and trust me, I was ready to crash, but he had told CW and MU that he'd meet up with them at Rocky Mountain Diner. As much as I didn't want to SEE food at that point, much less eat it, I went along. Matt assured me that the walk would be good for me either way, and I was hard-pressed to argue with that.

After about an hour at the Diner, Matt and I made our exit, and headed back to his place to go to bed. While I WANTED to be affectionate with Matt and possibly get a li'l somethin' somethin' going on, it just wasn't meant to be. So after I made my apologies, I quickly slipped into a coma.

(You KNOW that's not the end of the story...it's actually a pretty predictable plot twist here, but since it's tried and true, who am I to argue?)

The party (courtesy of Matt's roommate JJ) started up out in the living room, and it woke me up a couple of times through the course of the night, although not quite as much as it seems to have woken Matt up. Poor boy...he had one more day of work to do on this final version of software that he's been doing, and really needed to be alert and fresh so he'd be productive today. Instead, we were awoken at approx. 3:30 by someone opening the door to the room, bringing in the oven door (don't ask...I STILL have no idea), leaning it against the patio doors on the other side of the room, and left the room, telling us to go back to sleep. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! Like that's gonna happen!

Here's where it gets interesting...Matt, who I've NEVER seen actually get mad in three months of dating (3 months this coming Monday, to be exact), grabs the oven door, opens the door to the living room, yells "just go to bed", and then is so mad, he can't slam the door as loud as he'd like, so he did it three times. WOO HOOOOO! My hero!

Needless to say, there's a lot of fallout right now. The guy who brought the oven door in is a friend of MU's who's visiting, and he's just been a blister on MU's foot since he got in last night. Then there's JJ, who organized the party on a weeknight, and is probably getting a talking to from Matt right now as I type.

I have my own misgivings about all of this. Matt is very mature for 29, and knows how to handle himself and others. However, all of his friends are in their mid 20s and act it, or are in their 30s, but act like they're in their mid-20s. Having been through all of this (as the designated driver, cleanup man, sober witness, etc) years ago, this just doesn't amuse me anymore. We'll see how much of this I can handle, but I can't imagine that this will be allowed to go indefinitely. Stay tuned...

What I'm Listening To: Iio - At the End

First Word That Comes To Mind: Tired

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
