I'll Have the Gordita with the $10 Bill, Please

06/18/2003 - 4:53 PM


That's what it feels like right now...for the first time since I started this new job, I feel like I've really got a grip on it. Just about all of the crap that I've had to clean up from the previous occupant is spic and span, and the new stuff going forward is under my control. I'll have this joint running by my rules in NO time! Fuggedaboutit!

So what else is going on? Things are going really well with Matt. For some reason I can't explain, I feel like we had a breakthrough in the past few days, and the emotional bond between us seems to have gotten deeper. Just the mention of his name puts a big ol' goofy grin on my face, and I just feel much more affectionate with him. The feeling seems to be mutual, too. He actually told me he loved me last night without any particular reason. THAT'S a breakthrough...I feel like he's been overly protecting those feelings, and it's nice to know that he might be breaking through. *grin*

CW and MU seem to become more and more of a couple every day, despite their denials that they're not. It's the weirdest matchup, but I guess that's how it works sometimes. Who am I to say?

I'm going to keep this kind of short tonight...heading out to get a massage to reward myself for the week I'm having. Go ME! But I want to leave you with a story of how you DON'T always get the reward for doing the right thing...

Went to Taco Bell today for lunch, because I needed something quick (it could happen). The kid who took my order was nice enough, and when he gave me my change, there was an extra $10 in the stack. I looked at it for about 2 seconds, and then gave it back. He was really grateful, and said a lot of people wouldn't have done that. I was feeling pretty good about it...until my order came up. Completely messed up, and he actually had overcharged me. When I went back up to get things in order, they figured out it was about a dollar over, so they just pulled a buck out of the register without reringing the sale or voiding out the wrong order. I could have kept that bill, and they might not have even known. Hopefully, I just banked those conscience points, and they'll save me in a pinch later on. Oh well...

What I'm Listening To: Michelle Branch - Are You Happy Now? (stuck in my head, dammit!)

First Word That Comes To Mind: wow

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
