Today's Entry, Take 3

06/11/2003 - 9:36 PM

Alright...another entry lost to the entry-killing computer this afternoon, and I'd had ENOUGH! So I put it out of my misery...changed it out for another one, and I'm doing the entry at home instead of at work. This computer seems to be a tad more reliable than the work one, so here goes...

I've been dog-sitting for CW since Sunday, and I'm really enjoying it. Tripp is such a friendly black lab, and the excitement in his tail could keep a small town lit up for a few days. Matt, MU, and myself took Tripp to the dog park on Sunday so he could run around without a leash on for a few hours, and that's exactly what he did. A little TOO much, actually...after two hours, the poor boy was whooped, and he started limping a bit. We thought he'd just gotten something stuck in one of his back paws, but the limp switched from one leg to the other, and I got nervous. Turns out that when he over-exerts himself, his back legs are the first thing to give out. This dog needs to get out a bit more...I'm sure the kennel he's kept in doesn't help those legs out, either.

I really wish I could have a dog here at home, but at the moment, I'm having a hard time giving Prince Ashton the attention he deserves, and he's an independent cat. That just wouldn't be fair to any dog. So I'll just live vicariously through Tripp.

Had lunch with TW and CW on Saturday, and ended up spending most of the day with them. I'm so glad that they've worked through things and have become friends. What was supposed to be a few hours helping CW finish his unpacking, and then lunch, turned into a full day of hanging out, including TV shopping at Best Buy. CW was POSITIVE that he was getting a date with the salesman out of the deal, but I gathered from the speed in which Greg ran away that he was just "gay for pay", and as soon as he'd sold the flat-screen tv, he was off to flirt with another gay man with money. What a whore!

This week has been hectic at work, but today slowed down a bit. I think I may be getting a handle on things finally, but that could all change tomorrow morning. I just need a system...anyone selling one on discount?

Had dinner with Matt and a buddy of his, and then hit a coffee shop afterward. While we checked out the new edition of the gay newspaper, we found an ad for Sandra Bernhard coming to Denver on the 27th and 28th of this month. WOO HOOOOOO! I am SUCH a huge Sandra fan, and "Without You, I'm Nothing" is my all-time favorite comedy CD. That CD was my Junior year of college, and I know most of dialogue word-for-word. I've never seen her live, so I'm truly psyched for that, and to sweeten the pot, it's possible that ChiefJohn will be here for it, too. Does life get ANY better? I think not, so I will stop while I'm ahead. Sweet dreams, y'all...

What I'm Listening To: James Taylor - Never Die Young

First Word That Comes To Mind: content

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
