What's on Diaryland Tonight?

06/09/2003 - 9:41 PM

I've kind of lost my groove in my writing lately, but with that has also come losing some momentum in following the other diaries that I read daily (my STORIES, if you will). Here's a summary of what's going on in other corners of Diaryland...

PatrickG's last two entries have just been heart-breaking. His father has just recently left his mother after what I'd consider a long marriage, and his pain is excruciating at the moment. The letter he wrote to his father (via his diary) is as much vulnerablity as it is anger. I can truly relate to what he's going through, and I agree that his mother is lucky to have a son as dedicated and caring as Patrick is.

Speaking of heartbreaking, SquirrelX is experiencing some pain of her own via her newest adopted child, Robert E. Her writing is among the most colorful, vibrant and fluid writing in the land of Diaries, and I found myself misting up as she described the ride to the vet, caring for an animal that she had only known for less than a half-hour. Folks, there's just not enough people like Xtine in the world. Even though it's only via the Internet, I feel honored to say I know this woman.

From one dog to another...Miss Edith has successfully nursed her girl back to health, and is looking at some pretty important choices in her life. Career change, marriage, new housing, and even potential litigation against a neglectful neighbor. It's not fun, but it's life. However, Edith has such a sunny disposition about life that it seems like nothing can keep her down for long. What a beautiful soul...

Beauty is one way to describe Floodtide's writing. Who knew that one man could touch so many lives, and not even think twice about it? Granted, much of what he does is, in some ways, selfish, since he loves what he does. But if you're gonna be selfish, this is the way to go. Actually, in many ways, I'd call it selfless instead of selfish. And he even writes thank you notes and congratulatory letters. Who said good old-fashioned letter writing was dead?

If I have any longing for maintaining a yard (living in a condo makes that a moot point), HankBG's description of what he's been planting and how they're thriving fills the gap. By far the BRIGHTEST diary template in the Land, I feel the two of us have a good amount in common, even though I don't have a lot of history on who he is. Odd how you can just pick up in the middle of someone's life, and not need that backstory to connect with a person. Who knows...maybe work will bring me through Toledo and I'll get to meet the man. D'oh!

There are other diaries that I read regularly, but there is only one that I anticipate more than any other when I check my buddy list, and that is Non-Descript. It may sound corny or sappy, but I just want to give the boy a hug (LOL...and I don't mean BOY in a derogatory way). His writing captivates me...word choice, image choice, life choice. I'm at a loss how to describe the diary, but if there's one person that I could meet and spend an hour (or a day, or a week) just talking to and finding out what truly makes him/her tick, it would definitely be Jason.

Trust me...the others that I haven't mentioned in this entry are all excellent, and they keep my attention, including Ozwald, who keeps me coming back for more. That's the great thing about this community...everyone's looking out for everyone else, and the support level is so much higher than you'd see in other parts of your life. At least that's been my experience, and I'm thankful for it. Speaking of which, big ups to Huntington, who got me into this mess in the first place, and ChiefJohn, two of my closest friends in real life as well as in cyberlife. The fact that they love each other even more passionately and recklessly after six years than some people live at any time in their own lives speaks volumes. How fortunate am I to get to witness that magic? Extremely...thanks.

What I'm Listening To: Vivian Green - Emotional Rollercoaster

First Word That Comes To Mind: Blessed

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
