Time Flies (In Reverse)

05/10/2003 - 10:54 PM

To quote a phrase from back South, I am fuller than a tick on a cow! Cw and MU (Matt's friend) went to dinner tonight at The Keg, and I can't believe just how much we ate and drank. The waitress, being extremely cute and friendly and funny, started out suggesting drinks, including Alabama Slammers, which we had tried to make last weekend with a debatable degree of success. Needles to say, it was an omen that had to be acknowledged, and we had two rounds. Some appetizers followed, then tomato and onion salad, prime rib with mashed potatoes, and finally a third of a brownie sundae. My stomach HURT about an hour after the meal. I took a nap on CW's hotel room floor, and then took MU home. I'm pretty sure I was on auto-pilot getting here, but my food coma was still inhibiting my grasp on reality.

Picked CW up this morning, grabbed an early lunch, and then watched X2 (REALLY good...actually better than the original). Swung by Michael's to see what he was up to, and ended up dragging him along to car shop, as well as make a quick stop at Target.

The snowstorm last night brought about 8 inches of WET snow...definitely needed, but a pain in the ass to deal with for a few hours. Fortunately, as Colorado snow is known to do, the majority of it was gone by late afternoon, as the sun came out to handle it. I have no complaints, though...the trees in front of my patio that allowed a mountain view in the winter, but not in the summer due to their leaves no longer block my view. Let's see how long it takes the HOA to deal with the broken twigs that remain.

Met up with CW after work yesterday, and ate dinner at On The Border. Headed into town to hang with MU and Matt's roommate JS. We started out watching the Matrix, but then I was forced to watch over an hour of Muriel's Wedding, a heinous movie where an ugly woman in her 20s decides that she should be ugly inside AND out. Despite my pleas to leave as the weather turned nasty, I bit my tongue, but put my foot down around 11. The roads were just rough, and I passed about 10 cars that had skidded off the road, crashed into other cars, or, in one serious case, flipped over. My parking lot has never looked better.

Picked up Matt about 3:45 and took him out to the airport. He's going to be visiting his folks for the next nine days, including a trip to Missisippi to do some family exploring on his mom's side. Although I'm definitely going to miss him, this will actually help me reconnect with a couple of friends that I haven't seen much of for the last couple of months. DP's been in the same boat with his recent beau (about 5 months for them), so I think we're going to get together on Monday night.

Decided to splurge a little bit on myself Friday afternoon, and got a manicure and pedicure for the first time. My hands really got beat up on the trip to Cleveland, and my feet have always been high-maintenance, so it seemed like a good idea. Although it was a cool experience, I doubt that I'll do it again. I'm a cheap bastard, and in my mind, I just couldn't justify the cost, when I should be able to do the majority of it myself. (Side note: the woman working on my feet and hands brought in one of their stylists to introduce to me, since I mentioned I'd be looking for a new place to get my hair cut. This guy had more estrogen than my mom, I'm pretty sure. Why does that annoy me?)

Thursday night was just wonderful...Matt took me out to celebrate my birthday early, and we tried out a New Mexican restaurant called Jack-N-Grill that was simply awesome. The food was fresh, the service was friendly and knowledgeable, and the company was enjoyable, as usual. Followed that with a trip to Bonnie Brae Ice Cream (mmm...Snickers Delite), and then headed home to sequester ourselves in his bedroom for the night. I love sleeping with Matt...we just fit so well together, and he's just the right size to feel like I'm holding onto someone significant. Morning always comes way too soon, especially since he's more of an evening person. I'll take whatever I can get, though.

And that is the last three days (in the order that I remember them, anyway).

What I'm Listening To: Faith Evans - Never Gonna Let You Go

First Word That Comes To Mind: Full

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
