Stress Is a Four-Letter Word

05/07/2003 - 4:15 PM

Another long day at the office, and I'm whooped. A job that I thought would be pretty easy to transition into turns out to be much more stress than I expected. I think once I get into the groove of things, it won't be so bad, but at the moment, I need a beer! Or ten...

Having dinner with TW, and then heading over to our Dean Meetup meeting. So glad the drama with him has been averted. CW is feeling more uncomfortable about the situation, which I regret, but I won't let him being interested in TW ruin my friendship. He's still interested in TW, though...the boy is a rare bird.

I did call CW on the comments to TW about my sex life with Matt, and although he wanted to be upset with TW for saying something, he couldn't get away from the fact that he shouldn't have said anything. Trying to be diplomatic, I told him that I wasn't mad, but I did want to make sure that when I talk about that type of thing, it should be between us only.

Matt's taking off to Indiana in 48 hours to visit his folks for 10 days, and I offered to take him to the airport to give him a proper send-off. We're going to have dinner tomorrow night to celebrate my birthday early (his idea), and then I'll stay over at his place. I can think of one birthday present I'd love to receive, but I'll be patient.

Counting the minutes to get out of here...damn I hate that feeling...

What I'm Listening To: Emerson Drive - Fall Into Me

First Word That Comes To Mind: Stress

What I'm Currently Reading:

Terror Alert Level
